3rd Birthday Trip: Day 2

30 11 2013

I think we were all exhausted after our trip down here because we didn’t get out of bed until about 8 a.m., and the only reason we got up was because Granddad had a tennis match, and we wanted to go watch it, so we did. 

After we watched Granddad we came back and ate breakfast. You and Granddad sat out on the patio and blew bubbles and ate cranberry bread that he had made. You LOVED it!! So much so that you had three pieces. We were just laying around and decided we needed a nap. And boy did we take a long nap — 2.5 hours! 

At one point today, Granddad was in the kitchen and you stood at the entrance to the tiny room and said, “Granddad, I love you.” You’re so sweet, Lil. The best girl EVER! I know they say that year 3 is worse than year 2, but I think it’s going to be great. You’re pretty good as long as you aren’t hungry or sleepy. 🙂

After we woke up, we went to the Beachcomber for lunch. It’s a small, hole-in-the-wall place the Mamie, Pop, Mama and I used to go to when we would come down here. It was a little breezy, but you had a blast. You met an otterhound named Augie (not sure if that is the spelling, but it’s close enough.). He was a HUGE dog, and he was only 18 months. 

After we ate, we went to the beach, your favorite place in the world. I love that you like the beach as much as we do. You don’t care how cold the water is. You just want to get in the water as much as you can.

When we finally got you to give up the beach, we headed back to the condo and hung out for a bit. Then we went into downtown Saint Augustine to see the Christmas lights. We ate dinner at a Polish/Mediterranean restaurant where you tried Borsch (beet soup), two types of pierogis (mushroom and sauerkraut and spinach). You loved it. It’s so nice that you will try food and even like a lot of it, and you’re not even 3.

We got back to the house, and you were super tired. We hung out and Facetimed with JoJo and her family while they were at Mumsy’s.





You met an otterhound named Augie at the Beachcomber in Saint Augustine, FL.








This is the borsch soup we had at Gaufres and Goods. It had pieces of beet and mushroom-stuffed dumplings. You tried it and said you liked it but politely declined more. You’re amazing with how you will try new food.





3rd Birthday trip: Day 1

29 11 2013


This is going to be a birthday trip extravaganza. Mommy and Mama (who you now call Mom) have put a lot of thought and effort into making this an amazing trip. I will chronicle everything as we go. I don’t want to let too many secrets out of the bag here.  🙂

Today, Thanksgiving, we made the trip from Atlanta to Saint Augustine, Fla., to see Granddad. Rosa stayed back in S.C. because one of her daughters was in town seeing a massage therapist. We took our time making our way down to the beach. We got on the road early, but then we stopped at Waffle House and grabbed some Starbucks. Then there were a couple of stops along the way to pee and get gas, including a place that sells fresh Georgia pecans.

At one of our stops, we had a group hug, kiss and uga-muga and you said: “I’m thankful for you, Mommy and Mama.” It was unsolicited and so sweet. You’re the best girl ever. And we love you SO MUCH!!!

We finally arrived in Saint Augustine around 4 p.m. and you were SO EXCITED to see Granddad. 

This wasn’t a traditional Thanksgiving with a turkey and all of the trimmings, but we’re excited to be at the beach and get our vacation started.




Naked girl

17 09 2013
Lil chillin' watching her iPad.

Lil chillin’ watching her iPad.

When I got home today I was met at the backdoor by a naked little girl… you. I know we’re not related by blood, but some of the things you do that are like me are uncanny… like enjoying your birthday suit.

When I was a young girl I was allowed to run around without my shirt on and no one thought anything of it. Unfortunately, that’s not acceptable in today’s society for a variety of reasons. But I think it’s great that you feel comfortable in your skin, and I hope you always do.

I love being your mom

20 06 2013

Lil, I absolutely love being your mom. Don’t get me wrong. There are certainly times, mostly when you’re tired, when you push me to my limits. But all in all, this motherhood thing has been way better than expected.

I’m not sure where to start, so I’ll just give a list of the things that you have done at 2.5 years of age that amaze me.


Lil gets to perform again with Abby Wren and Secondhand Swagger. She is the band’s biggest groupie.























1. You got up in front of more than 300 people and played tambourine with Secondhand Swagger. Abby, the lead singer, was just introducing you, but we couldn’t get you off the stage. So she handed you the tambourine and you played through the entire song.

2. During the same night, a woman you had danced with at Abby’s house a month ago waved to us to say hello. You made a bee-line over to her and started dancing with her… in front of the stage

3. When we went to Abby’s house the night the band got rained out in Villa Rica, Ga., you got up and sang with them, even though it was way past your bedtime, you were in a small garage with super loud music surrounded by people you didn’t know. When Abby called you up to sing, you strode right up to the microphone she had pulled down for you and grabbed it like a natural.

4. You are a potty training superstar!! You ride to and from school without a diaper; you already poop and pee in the potty and you only wear a diaper at night, even on road trips. 

5. Mr. Ricco, who teaches Little Sports, says your hand-eye coordination is advanced to the level of the older kids in the class. He has talked about you repeatedly without being prompted.

6. You’re incredibly observant. For instance you spotted the large bronze owl on top of the TBS building in downtown Atlanta. We had driven past it for 13 years and had never noticed it. You can spot a school bus or a train a mile away.

7. Your memory is unparalleled. You don’t forget that the squirrels ate Mommy’s plants or that Uncle Matt got a pinecone stuck in his nose and had to go to the doctor to get it taken out.

8. You are one of the most empathetic and caring children I have known. You always worry about others, making sure someone who is crying is OK. And you don’t forget about it. I burned my arm one time, and you asked about it long after it had healed.

9. You’re a nurturer. Your friend Liana was learning how to use the potty at the same time as you. She went to the potty and then was getting her diaper put on by the teacher. Your Mama asked Liana if she had pee-peed in the potty. Liana said yes, and you piped up with “Good job, Liana! I’m proud of you!”

10. You make people smile. I can’t tell you how many people you touch just by being you. I’m constantly hearing how gorgeous you are or how sweet you are or how “fill in the blank” you are.

11. You never meet a stranger. I’m hoping this doesn’t get us in trouble later, but I really like how you, for the most part, really enjoy meeting new people. It’s rare for you to act shy or be scared of a situation. You’re the star attraction at the “international playground” up the street from our house. It’s where a lot of the Hispanic kids and their families hang out. For the longest time you were known as “Baby LEE-UL” and every time we go up there the boys and girls come running toward you. You fit right in. 

12. JoJo says you own a room when you enter it. “She walks with a swagger, a confidence that is way beyond her years.” And boy do you love your JoJo.

13. The thing I like most is that you love and are loved, and for that I am so very grateful.



Cinco de Mayo

6 05 2013

Happy Cinco de Mayo! According to Wikipedia, which is something people use today for their information (not always reliable though), Cinco de Mayo is simply a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. It is NOT a celebration of Mexican Independence Day, which is Sept. 16. Basically, it’s another day for Americans to have an excuse to drink adult beverages. Like we need another excuse. 

I’m sure you don’t care about any of this, but I thought I’d throw in a history lesson.

Tonight we tried to take you dancing to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. You LOVE bands and dancing. We got you all dressed up. Cowgirl shirt and jeans and your pretty flowered Keds. We were going to take you to a restaurant that we affectionately call The Roach. It’s actually called El Roccio, which is dew in Spanish. Not sure that’s much better than us calling it the Roach. Anyway, that’s where we were going to go because they had a live band. Mommy, as I am wont to do, invited some of our neighborhood friends — Uncle Chuck and Holly, Uncle Rudy, Aunt Deanna, Mimi (Holly’s Mom) and some others who couldn’t make it. Well, we go to the Roach and it was packed! And very noisy. You were intrigued, but the adults weren’t.


Your first virgin daiquiri courtesy of El Rey in celebration of Cinco de Mayo.

So we went next door to El Rey. Long story short, the staff there was completely overwhelmed and it took FOREVER to get seated and another FOREVER to get our food. It took so long that I ended up getting up after asking several times where our food was and helped the staff get our food to our table. It actually was fun, I got to fulfill my fantasy of helping run a kitchen for about 10 minutes. And it gave our poor waitress who was having a nervous breakdown and crying as I hugged her and told her it was going to be OK a break. 

You were AWESOME! Super patient even though you were tired. The best part of the evening was when our margaritas were delivered. There were six of us at the time, but the bartender delivered 8 because that’s how many adults had been at the table when he took our order. We put all of the drinks on the table and you reached for one. Jack and Mama told you you couldn’t have one, that they were for adults only. You didn’t cry or pitch a fit, but you had the saddest look on your face because you were being left out. 

I went to the bartender and asked if he could make you a virgin drink. And boy did he!! You were so excited to get a drink of your own. I’ll have to remember that next time. Thanks for being so good during some difficult moments.

I forgot. The real best part of the night was after we said prayers and you came over to lay on me and not Mama as you usually do. 

You’re the best girl ever!


16 04 2013

You’re officially a groupie. And the cool thing is that you’re a groupie for a local band, not some trendy pop band or banf as you currently pronounce “band.”


Getting your clap on while listening to Secondhand Swagger on April 16.

The band in this case is a local group called Secondhand Swagger, which plays what they called Southern Fried Soul. Well, I think that’s their name. They’re in the midst of changing their name to that from Abby Wren (lead singer) and What It Is. I personally think Second Hand Swagger is much better.

Anyway, we were introduced to them during 4Square Atlanta. 4square is a social network in which people check in when they get to various locations. It’s a cool concept because you can see where your friends are at any given time (at least those who use the app and check in), get discounts to stores and restaurants, etc.

This was a work function for me, but I’m always looking out for things I think you will enjoy, and this event was at a restaurant with a large outdoor patio and a band. The weather was nice, so I figured you might enjoy yourself.

Boy was I right. You LOVED the band. I didn’t realize just how much until the next day. The band has a lead electric guitar, a drummer, base drummer, lead singer and a guy who during the set played the saxophone and clarinet. I’m sure he plays other instruments. He was very talented.

I moved my seat from the table you, your Mama and I were sitting at to a chair right in front of the band. You came up with me and stood and listened to the band. You liked what you heard so much that you walked around lifting up your shirt. While that’s not appropriate when you get older, it’s cute on a 2-year-old.

I told the woman next to me that you were either going to be the lead singer of a band or a groupie. And since I can’t see you sitting on the sidelines of anything, I’ll place my money on the lead singer.

I bought the group’s CD, and that’s all we listen to when you’re in the car. The Music Class music has been replaced by the “Banf!” You’re even able to identify which instrument is playing, and you’ve started to learn some of the lyrics, which aren’t the easiest to pick up.

I’m excited to take you to one of their performances around town this summer. I think the best shot we have is when they play at a food truck festival in July. I really hope we can go.

I can’t tell you how much is means to me that you love music because it’s one of my passions as well.


26 01 2013

You are almost 2 years and 2 months old. They say that 2-year-olds like to practice independence. Well, you don’t need to practice because you are Miss Independent. I still can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. I suppose it is long-term, but dang you know how to frustrate the heck out of me sometimes.

Of course other times, that independent streak cracks me up. Today was a perfect example: lately you will tell us goodbye, that you’re leaving. You will actually leave the room for a few minutes and then come racing back in the room with a shout of “I’m baaack!!!” We respond “Oh, great! We missed you so much!” And you leave again…. and come back again.


Lil looks over her first grocery list.

Today you said you were leaving. You had a large flowered gift bag that was bigger than you. I asked you where you were going. After no reply, I asked if you were going to the grocery store. You said “hmm-mmm.” So I wrote you out your first grocery list: Hummus, Almond Milk, Edamame and a couple of other of your favorite things.

You grabbed the list, checked it over and put it in your bag and walked out the back door with great authority as if you indeed were going to the grocery store. Someday, and I know it will come way too soon for me, you really will go to the store with list in hand from me.

The other thing that really amazes, and I hope to write another post about this, is how you have picked up the ipad and using Mama’s iphone. You are now able to navigate YouTube to find the videos you want from Mickey Mouse, Elmo, etc. You still don’t watch a lot of TV, but it’s amazing how technically savvy you are.

I jinxed you

25 01 2013

I had been bragging about the fact you didn’t need to go to the doctor between your first and second birthdays. It was the probiotics. It was the healthy, wholesome food you eat. It was … good fortune. After all, you are in daycare with those snotty-nosed kids. How in the world, after starting your life off with several ear infections manage to avoid the doctor during your second year?

Well, you started off your third year with a visit to the ER. Yes, we went to Mama’s work. She works as a security dispatcher there. You really enjoyed your visit. They were very nice to you, and after giving you your medicine they have you a Popsicle. What’s not to like?

You were diagnosed as having croup. Second time in your short life. You gave us a scare, including Tuesday night when you were so lethargic you said you didn’t want to watch Elmo Potty.

You’re on the mend now and went to school today. So glad to be returning to some normalcy.



17 01 2013

Every family is different. Some have a mom and a dad. Some have a mom. Some have only a dad. Others have two dads and some 2 moms. You have been very observant for quite some time about mommies and daddies. But recently, you started making the connection (with help from Mama) that some of your friends have mommies and daddies and that you don’t.

Today at school, you told Mama that Kallie’s Daddy was there. Then you turned to Mama and said “Lil (probably you actually said Bill because that’s how you pronounce your name currently) no daddy. Lil Mommy and Mama.” 

Smart girl!

You’re growing so fast!

17 01 2013

So I’m lame and haven’t updated this since your first birthday. There’s so much in between, and I will try to go back to fill in some of the blanks, but for now I’m going to celebrate your latest accomplishments.

On Sunday, you rode your first bike for the first time. You are only 2 years and one month old, and you rode a bike!!! You were so cute. Your feet barely touched the pedals, but you didn’t care. You didn’t really watch where you were going, but by golly, you put your head down and pedaled as hard as you could until you ran toward the ditch and Jack and Mama stopped you. 

The fact that you’re barely 2 and riding a bike is amazing. I was going to give you a bike for Christmas, but you got so much other stuff that we waited to give it to you. Then we were in REI. It was you, Jack, Mama, JoJo and me. You and Jack had gone to look at backpacks. I went to check in with you, but you weren’t there. Instead, I saw you tooling around on this bike. I had bought you a bike without pedals because I thought you were too short, and I was told your legs wouldn’t be strong enough to push the pedals. Besides, you’re only 2!

Then tonight, I was told you asked to potty at school and did. Then tonight, you POOPED in the potty!!!! How awesome is that? I was just telling someone today that you pooping in the potty was probably pretty far off but that you were doing good with potty training. Mama wanted to take a picture of your poop, but I helped her talk herself out of that. 🙂

So proud of you!