
8 08 2017

It’s late. Too late for me to be writing, but I have lots of emotions swirling in my head and my heart right now to be able to sleep. One of my former co-workers at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution died unexpectedly over the weekend. He loved his children like I love you. I ran across a video he made a couple of years back, and it could have been me saying his exact words. Explaining how much it meant to him to be a parent. How much he loved his children but also had to discipline them. How it’s a very fine line. How he wanted to teach them things. How he wanted them to know that when things get dark and difficult, and they will, they should never forget that he and their mom are always in their corner, just like Mama and I are in yours. I’m so sad for Kent’s family and am praying hard for them. I can’t possibly imagine what they are going through. 

Then there is this week. You are starting first grade. I don’t know where the time has gone. You are such an incredibly bright, kind, vivacious, amazing young lady. You make everything and everyone around you better. You certainly do me. 

Please ALWAYS remember that I’ve never loved anything like I love you. From the moment I saw your gummy-bear image on the ultrasound, you took over a place in my heart I didn’t know existed. 

I love you Lil Park. Be awesome and always fill lots of buckets!