Renaissance girl

22 06 2017

You really are in interesting young lady. Today you told your teachers at Lego robotics camp that you “love programming.” You are 6 and going into first grade, and the camp is usually for 2nd grade and up, but they were impressed with how well you do putting Legos together, so they suggested that we sign you up for the robotics camp.

On the way home, we stopped at a local store to get pimiento cheese. You didn’t want to come in, but staying in the car while Mommy runs in is NOT an option. Good thing they had a bucket of chalk. You plopped down and started drawing. Being the artist you are, you used your hands to smudge the chalk rather than simply color in the ice cream cone you were drawing.

It’s so fun to watch your creativity and skill on display in a variety of ways. I hope you continue to love to create and code! Coding girls are cool!




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