Christmas 2013

26 12 2013


What a Christmas. We lost Grandma Sharon a week ago yesterday. I have been very sad and cried a lot. A lot. But today, even though I had a heavy heart, I smiled and laughed because you had so much fun. And seeing the world through your eyes makes me feel so good.

You slept pretty late — 8:30 or so. This was the first year that you had an idea of who Santa is and what the material side of Christmas is all about. You also were introduced to the real meaning of Christmas. We went to church last night with Aunt Deanna, Uncle Rudy and Jonah. Hopefully next year, if we’ve done our jobs, you will understand more who Baby Jesus is and what Christmas is all about, but I’m happy where we are now.

Anyway, enough deep talk. We made cookies for Santa and left carrots for his reindeer. When you woke up, you came downstairs and read a note from Santa Claus. You had asked for a cookie, the sun and the moon. Santa left you one of the cookies you made him because Mrs. Claus’ oven had broken, and he couldn’t bring the cookie. And Santa said he spoke to Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon and told you to wave hello to them every time you see them.



The elves packed a lot of other gifts: A Sophia the First activity book that was HUGE, at least 11×17; a doctor’s kit; a couple of books — My Body and The First Big Book of Why; a puzzle map of the United States; princess underwear; jewelry from Mrs. Claus; crayons; candy and a Minnie Mouse card game. Mommy and Mama got you a ballerina musical jewelry box; jewelry (including clip-on earrings); Pepa Pig book; Pete the Cat book; Under the Sea story CD; Wonder Woman Mr. Potato Head.

You also got gifts from others: Paul and Buddy sent you a Monsters Inc. stuffed animal and a picture of them with you at their house. David and Debby sent you a rubber duck; necklaces; Dr. Seuss bowl; National Geographic books and crayons. Granddad and Rosa brought you the outfit you wore to Christmas Eve; Rosanna, Michael and Julia sent you the book “Wave,” a book with no words but that is perfectly fitting because it is about a little girl and her love of the beach and ocean. Nana and Papa got you a lot of things as well: Little Mermaid DVD, Princess outfit with gloves, tutu, etc., a Princess Candy Land game and more.

Jack got you a bunch of stuff. I’ll have to add it later because I was cooking lunch while he gave it to you. One of the things he did give you was a flashlight that you can keep by your bed. Bless Jack’s heart for trying to help us get you to sleep in your own bed.

It took you awhile to go through your Santa gifts and then open your other gifts. Actually, your deliberateness was refreshing. You didn’t just run through everything and ask for more. You really appreciated everything you got and seemed honestly shocked that it was all yours. It was great and surprising for someone your age.


Jack, Uncle Rudy and Aunt Deanna came over for lunch. We had a stuffed, rolled turkey breast and gravy that was really good; sweet potato soufle; deviled eggs; steamed broccoli; wild rice and gravy from the turkey breast. Kind of a new meets old. Deanna made an amazing twisted bread that had something like four different breads in one. Amazing.

You made today a great Christmas, and I thank you for making it so special. The rest of the day was spent taking a nap, playing Candy Land and watching Little Mermaid for the first time. Just like we have celebrated your birthday all month, we will do the same for Christmas. JoJo arrives Saturday. 🙂

I love you so much, Lil Park!









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