3 shots down…

26 01 2011

Lil was really focused on Dr. Sells.

Today was Lil’s two-month doctor visit. She did really well. We were a little worried because she had a rough night and wasn’t off to a great start in the morning because she hadn’t slept enough. Nothing a good car ride can’t cure though.

By the time we had made it to the highway, Lil was asleep (taking after her mommy). She was in a really good mood at the doctor’s office. I would say she was even docile while lying on the scale, which never happens. She’s usually screaming her lungs out because she doesn’t like being naked (keep that thought til you’re 30, Lil). She also was well-behaved for Dr. Sells.

She even did well while getting her shots. The nurse asked us how we wanted to do the shots: Lil lying on the table and one of us scooping in after the shots were done, one of us holding her while the nurse gave the shots, etc. I asked her what she thought was best and she said to put Lil on the table because it was quicker. Poor Lisa could bear to watch. She sat on a chair at the end of the table and I stood beside Lil. Fortunately, I think she was so distracted by me, she didn’t know what hit her… that is until the second shot…. and then the third. Poor girl gave her heartiest of “I’m MAD” screams a few times as I scooped her up, and then she realized it was over and calmed down. We were really proud of her. In fact, I think Lisa shed more tears than Lil.

The vital statistics, or at least the ones we care most about: Lil weighs 9 pounds, 12 ounces, which is good for the 28th percentile (double the percentile she was at 1 month) and 22.6 inches long (60th percentile). I don’t think her legs were fully stretched out though, so she’s actually longer than that. Tall and skinny, not a bad combo. Of course we’re continuing to try to help her pack on the weight, but she’s definitely going in the right direction.

So far she’s not feeling any ill effects from the shots, but we’ll see. The night is young.

Sunday shopping

17 01 2011


Mornings are the best!

We had a fun day today. You spent some time in the play place that San San gave you. I call it a play place because it’s more than a play mat, but it’s not a play yard, as the pack and play is called.


Mornings really are your best time, which is a little bit of a bummer for me because I’m at work during the week, but it’s good on the weekends.

We kind of got a late start to the day but ended up going to “Your DeKalb Farmers Market.” It’s basically a huge indoor farmers market, but not as local as what you might think of as a farmers market. Anyway, it was really busy, busier than we’ve ever seen it. Not surprising, you didn’t want to stay in your carseat, so I carried you around the store. A lot of people said how cute you are. Let me tell you, you might only weigh 9 pounds, but by the time we left, you felt like 50. You slept most of the way through. It’s almost like the louder it is, the more you sleep.

JoJo and Chris came over in the afternoon to watch the Jets-Patriots game. The Jets won. Then we gave you a bath, which you didn’t like at all. You smelled better though.  🙂 We ate tortilla soup that I made in the Vitamix and fried green tomatoes.

Now it’s time for bed. We love you!