Nursery tour

15 11 2010

Many of you haven’t seen the nursery yet, so we thought you might like to see it. Lisa is your tour guide. We’ve been pretty secretive about the name, but since only family and close friends know about this blog, we decided it was OK to share it, especially since it’s all over her room in various forms.

For those of you who don’t know, our little one’s name is going to be Lillian Gael Park. Lillian is after Karen’s paternal grandmother Dorothy Lillian Park. Gael is after Lisa’s mother’s middle name, which is spelled the traditional way — Gail. But we wanted a nod to our fondness for our Gaelic travels. Gael also means strong wind, and it was important to us that she know her name comes from a place of strength. OK, enough deep thoughts.

We really like Lil’s room and hope you do, too.