What a cutie! (If we do say so ourselves)

21 10 2010

Little One in 3D at 34 weeks. She kept her hand over her mouth for much of the visit. The placenta is over quite a bit of her face.

It’s been a long time since I posted and a lot has happened. Maybe I’ll go back an update this blog, but for now, here is where we stand after seeing our doctors on Wednesday.

1. We are six weeks away at the most from the Little One being here, although they say she is measuring a week ahead of schedule. Thanksgiving baby?

2. She is head down and no longer breech, which means she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be.

3. The measurements they took via the ultrasound indicate she weighs 5 pounds, 10 ounces — a very good size.

4. She has a little bit of hair (when looking at the ultrasound live you can see wispy images all over her head)

5. The doctors said the amniotic fluid and placenta look great!

Her face is shrouded a bit by the placenta, which is why her nose looks flat.

Lisa is doing such a good job of taking care of herself and the baby, which is no surprise to us, but I get the impression that the doctors are somewhat surprised that she’s looking so good and that everything is going so well. We’re very blessed.