Week 17: Is that the baby?

21 06 2010

We can’t believe how quickly this is going. It didn’t seem that way at first, but wow.

The baby is the size of our an open hand. Of course that can be a wide range, but it’s about 5 inches long. Lisa felt what she thinks is the baby a lot this weekend. It’s funny how there are universal descriptions for things. A tornado sounds like a freight train coming through your house, and a baby moving around early on feels like butterflies.

This weekend was spent cleaning out a bunch of stuff. I don’t know how two people can accumulate that much stuff, but we have. The fun part was that we got to relive a lot of great memories. But we also got in a few tiffs because I’m trying to be ruthless because I want us to be neat and organized when the baby gets here because I know we won’t have a lot of time once it arrives.



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